Players and coaches health and safety is our number one priority. We are closely adhering to local guidelines on returning to play. If you do not feel comfortable returning to training at this time, we completely respect your decision and look forward to working with you when the time comes. 

Please familiarize yourself with the training guidelines and responsibilities below. Contact us with any questions.

Further, all players must sign these waivers before training begins. 

Updated September 1, 2020


  • All spectators and visitors must wear masks inside the soccer complex, park or field area.
  • Social distancing must take place off the field. This includes players/coaches on the sidelines & parents/guardians/siblings/etc. during their visit to the facility.
  • All individuals are required to wear a mask covering the nose and mouth when entering and exiting the complex or when unable to social distance.
  • See references below for  more information.


  • Continue to follow proper precautions (i.e. wash/sanitize hands, stay home if sick, avoid touching face, wear a mask, etc.).
  • Do not share sports equipment.
  • Vulnerable populations are asked to stay home.
  • If you get sick, the Johnson County Department of Health and Environment recommends you isolate at home for 10 days after the onset of symptoms, until you are fever free for 72 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication, and until you have a significant improvement in symptoms.
  • Be aware of all travel-related quarantine mandates if you travel from out of state.

Training Guidelines

  • All participants (guardians) must sign our updated waivers.
  • Any players or coaches with any signs or symptoms of Covid-19 are not permitted to participate. 
  • Coaches must wear a mask at all times.
  • Players/coaches must use hand sanitizer before, during breaks, and after practice. Please bring your own sanitizer to minimize contact with others.
  • No spectators allowed.
  • Zero-tolerance no contact. Coaches will stay 6 feet apart from player (coach/player or player/player). 
  • No Congregating Policy for players or parents in parking lots, at drop off zones, at entrance / exit areas of facility, or before or after training session.
  • Bring your own soccer ball and water. Do not share with others.
  • No spitting. 
  • Sessions will be spaced with a 10 minute interval between sessions.
Player Responsibilities:
  • Take temperature daily. 
  • Wash hands thoroughly before and after training. 
  • Bring and use hand sanitizer with you to every training. 
  • Wear mask before and immediately after all training. 
  • Do not touch or share anyone else’s equipment, water, snack or bag. 
  • Practice social distancing, place bags and equipment at least 6 feet apart. 
  • Wash and sanitize all equipment before and after every training. 
  • No group celebrations, no high 5’s, Hugs, handshakes etc.
Parent Responsibilities: 
  • Ensure child is healthy, check your child’s temperature daily. 
  • Limited or no carpooling. 
  • Stay in car or adhere to social distance requirements, based on state and local health requirements, when at training wear mask if outside your car. 
  • Ensure child’s clothing is washed after every training session. 
  • Ensure all equipment, cleats, ball, shin guards etc. are sanitized before and after every training. 
  • Notify staff immediately if your child becomes ill for any reason. 
  • Do not assist coach with equipment before or after training. 
  • Be sure your child has necessary sanitizer with them at every training.

Coach Responsibilities:
  • Ensure the health and safety of the Athletes. 
  • Inquire how the athletes are feeling, send them home should you believed they act or look ill. 
  • Follow all state and local health protocols. 
  • Ensure all athletes have their individual equipment (ball, water, bag etc.) 
  • Coach is the only person to handle cones, disk etc. 
  • All training outdoors and ensure social distancing per state or local health guidelines. 
  • Always wear a face mask, when not actively coaching, maintain social distance requirements from players based on state and local health requirements. 
  • Have fun, stay positive – players and parents are looking to you to stay calm, supportive and caring during this time.