National Daughters Day

National Daughters Day

Today is National Daughters Day

I’ll be completely transparent – my Instagram feed tipped me off that today is National Daughters Day. A quick Google search confirmed this. In one article, I learned that “National Daughters Day is a day to celebrate the gift of daughters.”

After reading this, I sat and thought about all the gifts in my life. My family. Good health. And soccer. Just to name a few.

Seven years ago, I became a mother. Going by the description 99% of people used to describe my daughter, she was beautiful. Not to take away from my daughter, but this can be said about pretty much any baby.

I read an article several years ago about the dangers in calling girls “cute, pretty, beautiful, etc.” The danger is that if that’s the majority of what she hears, she could start forming her identity and worth around her beauty. And one day, she might not feel beautiful or someone might say something about her looks that hurts her feelings. What now? 

When we use other words to describe girls, qualities that are age- and looks-defying, we build their confidence and value them as individuals who are [insert affirming word here]. Examples can include: funny, caring, smart, thoughtful, and the like. So one day they might not feel so pretty. But she’s been told she’s also funny, caring, smart and thoughtful. So that person who tried to tear her down by making a comment about her outfit, hair, makeup…that person runs into a wall. Because this girl – she values herself on other things that she’s heard her whole life.

Fast forward to 2018…the birth of “Girls are brave, strong and powerful.”

In 2018, Finesse Soccer was entering our 8th year. We continued to grow by leaps and bounds, training hundreds of girls over the course of the year.

With the political and social landscape changing, I felt we were positioned to make a difference beyond being a positive role model and soccer trainer. We could be and do more by showing girls what it looks like to use our superpowers for good.

Fueled by a desire to make a positive change and empower girls, our focus at Finesse Soccer expanded. We wanted to use our position to inspire young girls to be awesome. To be brave, strong and powerful.

When I was thinking about how to make this happen, I thought about what words I wanted my daughter to hear. In my brainstorm, these words struck me like a bolt of lightning: You are brave, strong and powerful.

You are brave and can stand up for what’s right. You can stand up to a bully. And you can fight for what you believe in.

You are strong. Empowered by the notion of positive self-talk, you can do anything you put your mind to.

You are powerful. You CAN make a difference. We all have a superpower; use your superpower for good. You have the power to influence others by being a leader, making good choices and demonstrating kindness.

Here's my message on National Daughters Day

To the girl who inspired me to focus our programs and vision around these specific words: Girls are brave, strong and powerful.

I wanted my daughter – and every girl in our sphere – to hear words that describe them. Words that aren’t just cute and pretty. Words that hold clout. Words that open doors. Words that shape lives. What words did I want my daughter to hear? She’s brave. She’s strong. And she’s powerful.

Today is National Daughters Day. To my daughter and to all the girls out there who we do this for. Remember these words as you approach opportunities, struggles and challenges throughout your life: you are brave, strong and powerful.

YOU are brave. YOU are Strong. YOU are Powerful.